Sliding Scale Pricing Adapted to Your Organization’s Budget

Once you meet with Rose about your unique project, Rose will provide you with a scope of work proposal and budget to consider. Rose charges on a sliding scale based on each client’s budget size, equity commitments, and fiscal needs.

Here are some example sliding scale levels:

  • Facilitation & Training

    Sliding Scale/day


  • Business Consulting

    Sliding Scale/project


  • Coaching/Writing

    Sliding Scale/hr


  • Equity Commitment

    Over 10% of proceeds are redistributed to community organizations & individuals. Over 15% of services are donated to individuals and organization that prioritize the needs of BIPOC people, youth, LGBTQ+ folks and/or women.

Resource Exchange

Rose believes that resources are a current and there are many ways to support one another. Rose’s sliding scale fee structure and donated services are made possible through the generosity of community members. Your financial donations, traded professional services, and volunteerism enable Rose to prioritize the needs of organizations and individuals who are centering marginalized groups. Contact Rose to discuss creative ideas for how we can follow the current of our needs and gifts to develop a mutually beneficial relationship.