I have been in awe of Rose Waterstone and their facilitation for some time now. There is a deep listening and attunement that they bring to their work with groups as well as their work with collaborators. I have been continually moved by the deep capacity Rose brings to hold the hearts of many at once, to hold the full spectrum of human emotion while gracefully guiding with their questions and heart felt reassurance. There is a leadership that Rose brings that is fiercely kind. The kind of kindness that can only come from a deep trust and capacity to hold that boundaries of a group required for the safety to go to the depths where transformation emerges from. They are a visionary leader who cares deeply for the overall well being of all they are serving and have a unique power to nurture while holding one accountable to the agreements in the space. I cannot recommend working with Rose enough, you and your team will be fortified in ways beyond what you expect. -Mari Shibuya, Consultant & Colleague

Here’s what Clients & Colleagues have to say about Rose & their collaborators…

Rose was continuously receiving ideas and feedback from a large group of people, and often some messages seemed to conflict with one another. I wondered to myself sometimes how they could do it - how could they take all that in, hear such conflicting and strong opinions about social justice and programmatic practices, and keep on? What I watched was a continual practice of being with and exploring uncertainty. They would facilitate spaces for those themes to be explored, invite people with lived experience and expertise (who may or may not already feel included in the community) to share their wisdom, and then steward a series of collaborative experiments ~Devon Little, Consultant & Colleague

My organization, CHCA is a 36 year worker-owned liscensed home care agency. We train and employ predominately women, people of color, and immigrants to do this essential work. Our industry is not an easy one to survive in…Rose and Amadeo took us through exercises that allowed the team to more readily connect on an interpersonal level. We were able to reflect on our individual strengths & the strengths within our organization which allowed us to think about how we leverage those strengths to mitigate the challenges we were facing both inside of our organization and externally. We came out of the retreat with a shared understanding of what we needed to focus on and to transform our business & leadership team. I’m grateful for the skillful, compassionate and authentic facilitation style both Rose & Amadeo bestowed upon me and my team. They are exceptional facilitators. ~ Adria Powell,CEO, Cooperative Homecare Associates, NY (about a retreat co-facilitated by Rose and Amadeo Cruz-Guiao)

Rose's work in helping us create our mission, agreements, and vision has been integral to my work almost every day. It has provided a path of integrity that I truly think has been the glue that has held us together so far, and personally provided a lot of hope and direction for me and the work I do. As a startup with high ambitions, it is easy to lose focus on what really matters. Seeing what we are working toward each day, tangibly up on our wall, has been nothing short of essential. Thank you Rose. ~ Melissa Knowlles, Watershed Community Development

Thank you all so much for the retreat experience you created for us. I personally felt deeply seen and cared for throughout the whole process. Not only did I feel your care for me as a person and for our whole group, but I could feel that you truly value our work, which I believe enhanced our engagement. You all are truly gifted at creating and holding space and facilitating/capturing meaningful dialogue. THANK YOU! ~ Reyna Rollolazo, Team Child (about a strategic planing retreat co-facilitated by Rose, Amadeo Cruz-Guiao & Mari Shibuya)